Contacting is an important and a necessary item which is needed in every site . The Visitors who visit your Website , if they need to contact you for any review , or advertising . You can setup a contact form for your page .So here is a information about the sites which give you free contact forms .

Have a look at our Contact form :
1.) Foxyform.com
Foxyform gives you a Contact form which is easy to create and looks Simple . It has Integrated Inbuilt Anti Spam Protection . You can add Contact options like Title , Subject , Email, Website and even change the Background of the Contact form . To have a demo of this visit our Contact form . It has been embedded with FoxyForm .
2.) Kontactr
Kontactr is the Best Service which is always free from Spams . The Embedding Steps are simple . You can keep your email address safe with their highly secure contact form . It also has Captcha Verification . You can even change the Colors of the Contact form.
3.) FormSmarts
FormSmarts is an integrated web form service that lets you create forms, publish them online, and get form results. It has one click options to embed the contact form to Blogger or WordPress . Add a web form to your site or blog, or let visitors access your form from MySpace®, Facebook®, and anywhere you can post a link. It has one click options to embed the contact form to Blogger or WordPress
4.) Google Docs :
Yeah, I know how to do this. I’ve have created this most of my blogs. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this,,,it saved me alot of time
A gr8 list of useful site, i think, second one is good.
I agree with you.This is why you need to use an external service to create and run your contact form. Thanks for sharing.