We all love to give and share the web links present across different websites.
Many times the web link is so huge that it becomes very difficult to share and even if one alphabet or number goes wrong then the whole link becomes useless as the link will not open. Here are the Best 3 URL Shortening Service .

Bit.ly is different from other URL Shortening Service . Apart from sharing functionality, the bit.ly also comes with history viewer, advanced tools, side bar bookmarklet, developer tools which are very good to build the traffic. You can’t customize the URL .
You can have the Bitly Chrome Extension here .

Google URL Shortener at goo.gl is used by Google products to create short URLs that can be easily shared, tweeted, or emailed to friends. It is safe and reliable . Get Goo.gl url shortener Chrome Extension here .

With the help of this Tiny URL, you can short the web links and also the web links are so short that you can even sms them as the links become really very tiny as said by the tiny URL. Also, unlike any other URL shortener providers the URLs are never expired so you can use that link for ages if you have any web page memoirs. With the help of tiny url tool bar you can also drag and drop the url to short the same. Not to forget you can also customize the links just like many other url shortener providers give. You can also additionally hide the affiliate links. You can customize the URL .