iPad 3 is voted as the most wanted future gadget for the year 2012. The speculations regarding iPad3 started hovering around from the moment iPad2 was launched. Year 2011 witnessed a new revolution in the digital medium with the series of launch of iPhones, iPads and Android powered phones. Asus’ original Transformer, iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab are some of the hot products in the current scenario.
Upcoming Gadgets of 2012 :
iPad3: It is expected , that Apple is launch iPad 3 which will have an eye-slicing sharp with a 10 inches screen. The quad core Tegra 3 baiting A6 processor with a carbon fibre case is the most debated topic in the gadget world. This new version of iPad is expected to set a benchmark standard for all other gadgets in this industry.
PlayStation Vita: This gadget is often termed as “PS3 in your pocket” and it is handheld. It is considered to be a pockteable gaming gadget. It is powered with quad core ARM 9 processor having a 5 inch OLED touch screen. The dual camera will augment the gaming quality and has a tactile back panel.

Windows 8: Microsoft has promised that Windows 8 is going to be a visual treat for all the users. The first Nokia Lumia phones using Windows OS is already released and is currently doing well in the smart phone segment. Microsoft has got great plans to penetrate into the mobile market further with better mobile operating system and applications. The User Interface Design is extremely good and has received positive feedbacks. It is expected to launch a series of attack against the PC and tablet market with its beta version. The results are very much encouraging for the Microsoft.
Windows 8 is one of the much awaited Upcoming Gadgets of 2012
Galaxy S3: Samsung has become one of the pioneers in the smartphone industry. Samsung and Apple have mastered the art of coming up with innovative and sleek designs. Galaxy S2 was named the phone of the year 2011 and it has become the best bet after Apple. It is one of the best Android powered smart phones. With Galaxy S2 almost approaching its first anniversary, it’s time for S3 to make its appearance! It is expected to have 2GB of RAM, 4.6 inch screen with quad core engine. Experts believe that it will have a 12 MP camera. It is expected to be more powerful than ever.

Here is a Video of another one of the Upcoming Gadgets of 2012 . The Galaxy S3 . Here is a Video of it’s Leaked Pictures Video :
Apple TV: Are you not satisfied with iPhone and iPad? Are you a loyal fan of Apple products? Apple is very much determined to redesign your living room with its Apple TV. It is expected to have AirPlay mobile devices synchronized with all other Apple devices. It is going to be more powerful than your normal television and set top box channels. It is going to be a powerful combination of talking application SIRI, A6 processor, giant Retina Display and voice control applications. Experts believe that Apple TV is going to revolutionalize the TV industry just like it did for the smartphone segment.

Amazon Kindle Fire: This product had a mixed response in the market during its launch. The Android powered tablet was marketed as a serious competitor for Apple products. However, experts argue that Kindle Fire is definitely not iPad killer. It offers 3G-free mobile experience at affordable rates. If you are ready to compromise a bit on its efficiency, Kindle Fire is a worth product for $199 at shelves. The price has been greatly reduced during the festival offers and the product can be a good alternative when you do not have any gadgets for the time pass!

iPhone 5: So, are you ready to grab your share of iPhone 5? Never mind if Apple is going to release the new versions year on year and people are ready to buy the new devices at sky rocketing prices! The crazy run continues and Apple disappointed its huge fan following in its 4S version. Apple might come out with a possibility of launching version 5 in the month of September or October.
Most of the gadgets have already had their launch and some are still waiting in the queue. It has been a great year till now for the smart phone and gadget industry. People are ready to spend on expensive gadgets if they are worth the money.
About the Author :
Rajkumar is an expert writer when it comes to Promotional Products and Promotional items as he has done an extensive research about the same. He has got tons of experience in implementing such projects in various premises.
The Above listed items are the Upcoming Gadgets of 2012 . Hope you get any one of it !
Another one device to add in this list is iPhone5.
Hello Bro , The Post contains info about iPhone 5 at the bottom of the post. Thanks for the Comment !