Modern day travel gives us all access to more options than we’ve ever had before. Cheap airline tickets, online booking, and nearly worldwide internet connectivity make travel easier and easier to manage than it ever has been. However, the basic routine of visiting other places still includes all the old fashioned routines of packing luggage, getting your money exchanged and ready and packing along the right clothes, etc. In addition to the typical things you might bring along for your distant travels, here are several more awesome travel gadgets that you might just find extremely useful and maybe even life savers in some situations.
Reliable Smart Phone
Smart phones are essentially tiny pocket computers with enormous power for their size. Everything you could possibly need for communications is right there in your pocket. With hundreds of available travel assistance apps, many free for download, don’t forget to bring along your smart phone. You should go for an Android powered device that also works on as many networks as possible, such as 3G, WiFi 4G and GSM if possible. iPhones are great, but the Android market is far more diverse. Also be sure to pack along a rubber impact protector and load the phone with some useful travel apps such as Skype and the Kayak.com flight booking app.
Excellent Example Model: Any Samsung Galaxy phone
Rugged Laptop
Forget ordinary laptops, if you’ve got the cash, go for a military spec rugged travel laptop. This machine will give you all the processing and computing power of your ordinary machine but with some serious damage resistance thrown into the bargain. These hard as nails computers go for upwards of $2000 bucks and come with impact resistant casing, fracture resistant screens, internal shock absorbers and a body sheathing that will keep them safe even if they get covered in water or completely sprayed by sand, dirt and dust.
Excellent Example Model: Panasonic Toughbook
Tablet PC
Tablets are more than just fancy digital toys and if you’re going to be traveling, you should carry one along even if you already have a laptop and smart phone in tow. The most basic reason why: A tablet can be used as an eReader without the clumsiness of a laptop. So, if you know you’re going to be spending hours on planes, trains and stop-over stations, pack your tablet with dozens of ebooks and enjoy! Imagine having an entire collection of language guides, novels and travel handbooks that can all fit into your pocket; this is what a decent tablet can provide you with even if it’s at the lower end of the market with only a few Gigs of Hard disk space.
Excellent Example Model: Kindle Fire or Google Nexus 7, both are cheap and good enough for travel needs.
Self-Charging Backup Battery
The utility infrastructure of some of the places you might end up visiting isn’t always going to be what you’re used to; sometimes it might not even exist at all if you happen to love extreme nature travel. Because of this, you need gadget that can give your other gadgets juice no matter where you are. This is where the portable backup battery comes into the picture. These incredibly useful devices usually power up through a miniature solar panel or by a hand winding stick. Either way, you’ll never have to worry about running out of battery power.
Excellent Example Model: PowerMoney Extreme backup battery; feeds off solar power and holds its charge for as long as a year.
Solar Powered Travel Backpack
You’ll probably need a backpack no matter where you travel to, so might as well make it do two jobs at once. A good solar powered travel backpack can give you excellent storage space while at the same time acting as a power recharging unit for your electronic devices. Most models come with a number of different adapter outlets and have a built-in solar panel on their back side. A quality solar backpack is also waterproof and built endure a lot of wear and tear.
Excellent Example Model: 4 Nova A-Solar Backpack
Travel Camera
There’s nothing better than being able to capture images and video of all the fascinating sights you encounter along your path and with a decent camera you can do this easily and with HD quality -then share it all to your social network accounts in just minutes. For these reasons, bring along a high quality digital camera that lets you shoot video and photos with different types of settings You might also consider a device that comes with built-in damage protection against the kind of rough treatment you’re likely to find on the road.
Excellent Example Model: Olympus Tough TG-1. This little guy is built to last.
GPS Navigator
Your smart phone might come with its own built-in GPS system, but it never hurts to be doubly protected when it comes to navigation. Bring along a GPS navigator that lets you know where you’re going regardless of whether it’s in foreign city streets or some distant mountain range. Most GPS systems offer rout plotting, feature finders and address or location lockup systems; all of these will be more than slightly useful when you’re feeling lost in a place you’ve never been to before.
Excellent Example Model: Magellan RoadMate 5175T-LM: Plenty of features, low price and a well-known GPS brand.
About the author: Thomas has been a freelance writer for over two decades. When he’s not writing, you can find him covering Thunderbird Suites or working on his homemade sailboat that he hopes to have in the water by year’s end.
Good thing that you have shared these kind of gadgets which we can bring whenever we are in adventure. Thank you for sharing it.