Cell Phone Apps have taken the world by storm and with so many to choose from, it can be pretty tough to figure out what you want. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone step in and talk to you about some of the most popular options as well as the things they like the best so you can have a better ideas as to what you want to try out.
Great Phone Security
Keeping your phone safe is important and these days it’s much easier than ever. Since phones are becoming more and more like computers every day, they need to be protected from viruses. A great app to consider is avast! Mobile Security. It allows you to keep your phone safe even if you lose it so you can wipe your phone or lock it from anywhere. This will also allow you to browse the web without needing to worry. The only downside we have found is that it doesn’t back up on its own so be sure you sync with your computer so you don’t lose any of your data.
Keep Your Phone Running at its Optimal Performance
Have you ever run into problems with your phone’s memory? Maybe you were trying to download and all of a sudden your phone started acting a bit on the sluggish side? If this sounds like something you deal with regularly then you may want to check out Auto Memory Manager. This application tracks and displays your memory information so you will always know what is using the most memory so you can shut things down as necessary. You can even set memory priorities so your phone can do all of the work for you.
Keep Your Children Safe on Your Phone
Phones are becoming safer and safer these days. Handing a child a phone is becoming more common than ever before and if this is something that even the thought of intimidates you then you may want to consider downloading the KinderPhone App. The app allows you to monitor everything that your children are doing. This means phone calls, messages and social networking sites that they may be visiting. There is also a tracker so you’ll always know where your child is located. This is going to allow you to give your child some freedom but also allow you to be able to sleep better at night knowing they are in good hands even if you aren’t around.
Get the Most out of Your Battery
Battery life is one of those things that many people complain about. A great app that can help you to extend your battery life is Juicedefender. It takes a look at the things on your phone that are using the most energy and when your phone is idle, it turns them off momentarily. There is a free and paid version available. The paid version is nice because it allows you to control which things are turned off.
Blogger Sam Walker a gadget geek (whose in love with his avaya phone systems) reviews all kinds of gadgets. He also at times gives tips related to various gadgets and their issues.
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