Do you have something to sell? Try online classified websites. These websites are gaining popularity these days. Anyone can create an account there and sell any products easily. There are many online classified sites, among them OLX.in is most popular and trustworthy when it comes to selling and buying items. You can post a free advertisement on OLX and sell your products for a good price. You can also buy products from there as there are various types of products available.
In the year 2006, OLX was first started in Argentinato provide a simple, safe, fast way of buying and selling products online. Now OLX is present in more than 96 countries and 40 different languages. It has become very popular in very short time span.
OLX is free to use, you just need to create an account there and you are ready to post ads. The advertisements can have photos and videos so that buyers can get a good idea about the product before purchasing it. Different types of items are classified in a user friendly way. OLX supports different local languages in India. OLX ads can be displayed on various social networking websites like Facebook, Myspace etc. They also have a mobile optimized website for faster and easier access from mobile phones and tablets. Dedicated app for OLX is available for Android devices in Google Play store.
If you watch TV then you might have noticed the advertisements of OLX. They have started TV ad campaign from the year 2011. The OLX TV ads are funny and shows the usefulness of the online classified site in our day to day life. Here is one ad which I like most-
Check out OLX.in if you want to sell your unused gifts or old stuffs for a good price.