“Temple Run 2” for Android – What’s New ?

Temple Run 2

Attention Android users! If you feel a short in excitement without the Temple Run, then here is good news for you. Temple Run 2, which is one of the most highly anticipated and biggest Android games in 2012, makes its grand entry into the marketplace via Google Play Store. It’s just been a week since it was launched in the Apple App Store. This time around, the gaming app comes with a wide range of improved features, far better than its cousin version – the graphics are enticing, there are newly added characters gifted with unique abilities, and there are more challenging obstacles for gamers – all these will keep you fully immersed in the game for long. The free-running game is designed on addictive gamer-friendly features and lives up to its original title. And the best part is, the intuitive gaming app comes at a zero dollar price point. Yup, it’s free of cost! If you had a strong liking to the previous version, you’ll probably love to dig deep into Temple Run 2. The additions are nice; don’t expect a completely different game though!

The Basics 

You’ll be dressed as a redheaded Indiana Jones kind of person, Guy Dangerous, who is looking for his ripped threads with his collected (or stolen) money. You will be marching towards your destiny in barefoot in a cowboy style outfit.

Guy, with a artifact to protect himself from enemies, flees Giant Monkeys (they’re demon monkeys, and not your friends) as you turn your Android device to the left and right. You can swipe up or down to cross the fallen trees. The cart levels, which are an extra addition to Temple Run 2, don’t necessarily add excitement to the game, but definitely add spice to the visual effects. The interior of the caves also add diversity to the overall theme.

Temple Run 2’s eye-catching theme and amazing speed make it far more interesting than other games like Cut the Rope or Angry Birds. There is full-fledged action sequences that will let you enjoy the game from the beginning till the end. You’ll probably love to jump over the cliffs and beat your opponents down. However, we felt that there wasn’t a definite end to an amazing game – it just keeps prolonging until you keep making mistakes and pick the game fully. That said, it’s a nice game for hardcore players to amass as much points as they can. Points that you can boast of to your friends and update on Facebook and Twitter.

Treasure Island 

Your primary task is to collect coins during your quirky race, with which you can purchase power-boosters (it ranges from superfast foot speed to long-lasting shield). But you will be able to access only a handful of those after you unlock the additional characters. Also, you can make a purchase of unique abilities like the Coin Magnet – with which you can draw coins as you sprint past from one level to another. 

And folks, coins aren’t the only treasure pieces which you’ll be getting during your long run. You also have an opportunity to collect previous Gems using which you can boost your power-ups. 

The Finish Line 

Temple Run 2 is an enhanced version from the original for sure, but isn’t a radically a different one. May be, you can say it’s a 1.5 release – however, if you are a kind of person for whom game is the best friend, then I would say you will love Temple Run 2. Crisply, it’s frantic, superfast, and of course, free! And the game doesn’t lack any element to become a smash hit in the highly addictive Android gaming world.

Download Temple Run 2 .apk


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