SEO language is the most important SEO strategy in blog posts. Blogs are actually a great way to utilize SEO. After all, more often than not , blogs are usually dedicated to a single topic, or at least a single niche. If blog posts continuously talk about a particular topic, then inserting niche keywords from that topic is bound to sound and seem natural, which is something that Google, as well as other search ranking engines will like. While the prospect of purely applying this technique sounds extremely tempting, we advise SEO bloggers to still take care in posting. There is still what you call the “right” SEO language that should be used when blogging. What is this particular language, you may ask. The few things that you should remember are listed below:
SEO language – What to Target ?
- Use language that is fitting to your blog’s demographic target- Who is your blog intended for? Teenagers or perhaps, an older crowd? Knowing the answer to this question will help you find the right SEO language to use. If, for example, you write for a younger audience, it would be useless to put in SEO keywords and phrases that they do not use or understand. Not only will these words seem strange and out of place, but if you put a link to them, you can almost be sure that no one will click on those links.
- Make sure that your chosen blog language is fitting to the blog’s target industry- As previously mentioned, blogs are usually dedicated to a particular niche or topic. If your blog is a business blog, then the SEO language used in all of the blog posts must be business-related. The blog posts tone must also be formal and businesslike. The reader should expect to see a lot of business terms, and not scientific ones. The reasoning for this is similar to why you should also pay attention to your demographic. Failure to do so will make posts seem out of place and just plain weird!
- Make sure that your SEO keywords and their links are still sensible and in line with the blog post’s topic- There are some writers who are rather thoughtless about where they place certain SEO keywords. If they can slip it in a random blog post, then they will do that, without so much as a though about the blog post’s overall flow. This technique is actually one of the quickest ways to turn off blog readers. No one appreciates random SEO links being shoved down their throats, especially when these links have little or no connection to the topic at hand.
SEO language Benefits:
Figuring out the right SEO language to use when blogging can take trial and error, as well as a lot of practice. There will be search engine optimizer which may refuse to conform to this technique, especially since they are used to the old style of SEO. With Google’s latest updates, it is important for search engine optimizer to understand the importance of this technique. Using proper and correct SEO language could make all the difference in the world when it comes to ranking!
Guest post by Sam Briones, a freelance writer and also contributes at Technovate Translations. If not writing for the language and culture subject, she’s on the keyboard writing about fashion and pop culture.
Hi Anirudh,
This is a great post about SEO. Actually seo is the most important subject to promote a website. But we need to maintain quality than quantity.
Thanks for this useful post.
Hi Ani,
It was a helpful post regarding promotion through SEO most of the people unaware of this SEO what is it and what is it doing SEO helps to visible on Google in a great way.