Mistakes can destroy the reputation and also the business in the normally existing world. In blog creation here are some of the most commonly done mistakes by the bloggers:
1.Over confidence on the writing:
The writer must keep in mind that he has to create a scan-able content, as according to Jacob Neilson’s study only 16% of people normally read a post word by word while others just use to scan it. The suggestion is that reader’s desire is to be able to get the major message of a post at a quick look, and not have to effort for it.
2.Enlisting Contents:
No one likes to read long paragraphs as nobody likes to spend much time in reading only one post. Readers desire to have easy readable content like in lists and numberings etc. At a quick review, people know how to understand such lists, and can normally get major information much faster and with less work than on passages.
3.Not Containing Facts:
In reality, no one trusts on you unless you develop trust on your customers or visitors. So for this issue you have to provide the facts and figures and also you can refer your visitors to other trust worthy sources.

4.Inappropriate Titles:
Titles are one of the most significant foundations of a blog as titles provide the entire article contents as titles are the mirror image of the whole article. So it is too tough to select appropriate titles with precise and vibrant words selecting. In title selection, must consider the human point too.
5.Rewriting Obtainable Data:
Introducing already existing information can easily make people fed up as people want something different and entirely new. So if you want to write the old information tries to write in a new and incredible presentation. This will help you saving from bad comments of the people. Please just try to get ideas from the old posts.
6.No Usage of Headings and Subheadings:
Things that can be understandable at a glance are always attractive and unique. So for making posts attractive for people usage of headings and sub titles is very important. But bloggers usually do this mistake so fails in getting visitors attention.
7.Highlight or Bold Vital Terms and Notions:
Highlighting terms and bolding main concepts and key words make the posts more understandable, more readable for people and naturally draw the reader’s attention to them. Bloggers normally forget to do such important tips which results in less visitors and positive comments.
8.Not using Subsidiary Pictures:
Using supporting pictures and images enhances the beauty of your posts and also grabs the attention of the views too. But many bloggers consider it an unimportant work and show least interest in using images in blog posts. Or if some thought to use images, they mostly use those which don’t set on the scene. So it results in the visitors’ least interest in reading or exploring blog post. One can give many meanings to the blog by adding images and pictures as it is really helpful.
Author Bio:
Austin Richard is an IT professional from prepnerds.com. Have you really looked for this Prepnerds.com Assistance? Go ahead and get the benefit of Apple Certifications and pass your exam easily.
What you stress points are correct and description is great thanks for sharing it is surely appreciate
Now blogging has become too competitive. If you make some mistakes, you may not get second chance to correct it. So it’s always better to take lessons from other’s mistakes. The article will help newbie bloggers.
does H1, H2 heading make any difference ?
because i don’t use them regularly
Ofcourse, yes! H1 and H2 Tags are the main concern for Google’s Rankings 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂
These blogging mistakes are truly common and you need to avoid these in order to excel in blogging era. This is actually important. Appropriate images also play a vital role and not using anything of that would surely give a negative impact on your blog. Thanks for the share!!