Facebook has become popular in all countries. Besides the large coverage, it has made the people to get addicted to it. Facebook act as a perfect social platform that lets you to share about various stuffs. When those stuffs become interesting, people want to stay for some more time on the internet. Due to such addiction, Facebook has grown a lot now on the web. As far now, there is a lot of people from various countries accessing Facebook, some of the countries require their own mother language to use properly. Countries like China and Japan likes to see internet in their mother language that is Chinese or Japanese. In that case, Facebook provides a large collection of language where a Facebook user can switch over it.
Privacy is one of the things that matters a Facebook user a lot. Exposing what language a Facebook user uses Facebook is not a big deal with respect to privacy. However, Facebook does not provide any information in a user’s profile about what language the user uses the Facebook. But when a person updates his language, the timeline shows that he uses that particular language. For example, the following screenshot might well explain you. Here, the person has recently updated the Facebook language to English (US).
But the above update might disappear once when the user does more activities on Facebook. There is a way to find what language a Facebook user uses Facebook. This is used to provide the language details by Facebook when prompted by any Facebook application.
The below is not actually a trick. Most of the people are not aware of such stuffs. Knowing a user’s Facebook language is not a big deal. But you can just play prank on them. Suppose, when you have find that your friend is using a language “Tamil”, you can tell him that when you hacked his account, you found that he was using the language “Tamil”. In this manner, you can play pranks.
To perform this trick you may need to know the user name or ID of the person.
Step #1: Land on a profile whose Facebook language is to be found.
Step #2: Copy the whole URL of the profile.
Step #3: Replace www with graph and hit Enter.
Step #4: The “locale” will show you the language used by that person on Facebook.
Step #5: With the previous step, you may only find the language code. Mostly, you can predict the exact meaning of the code. That is, you can find the language with that code by seeing it. For example, en_us denotes English (US).
Step #6: If you aren’t able to predict the language, you may use the below link to find them.
Replace en_US with the language code you get from Step #4.
Facebook provides regional languages too so sometimes you will not be able to find certain (some) language codes in the above link. Usually, the language code is writing as per the below syntax.
Example, for regional language like Tamil, we would write the code as ta_IN where IN is the country code.
Author Bio: Arjun is a blogger and likes to code computer applications. He likes to share tech related stuffs with people by blogging and he blogs at CryptLife.