An ideal blog title may seem to be a tough one to do, but it is really very important. The title reflects the purpose and intention of the blog. It has to be attractive and bear the essence of the blog. If you want to create a blog for your website, then you do not need a different name for the blog. But a good blog name is very crucial, if the blog is not attached to any site.
Admittedly, it is a fact that many of us have to face a difficulty while selecting the title of a blog. Sometimes we get frustrated. And the end result is that we cannot create a good blog title and make a one that is totally unattractive or is not at par with our requirements. Here in this post, you can know about 3 such ways that can help you to make some really great titles for your blogs.
Be knowledgeable about the blog
You must have a good understanding of what you are offering through your blog. This will help you to select a perfect title for the blog. You must keep in mind the tone that you will use, your readers and target audience. If you are planning to design a technological blog, then use informal and conversational tone. In that case your target audience will be young, enthusiastic and technology lovers who try to keep track of the changes in technology. So the title of your blog must include all these aspects.
Short and specific title
A short and specific title is always attractive. The title should not be more than 80 characters and try to keep it up to four words. It is easy to remember a brief title and is also friendly to the search engine.
Create a list of blog names
Make a list of titles for the blog following the above tips. To add to your innovation and uniqueness, take the help of a blog name generator that will randomly come up with good titles. You can look up to blogs in the niche that you are planning to venture into. Prepare the list and it will help you in wise selection.
It is very important to select the mostly perfect and suitable name for your blog as it will remain permanently. So go on a test drive with the listed names before selecting the most appropriate one. Take opinions from others about the suitability of the title. Find out which are improper and which are good and relevant. If the title covers everything that you are aiming, is catchy and interesting then use it confidently.There are also many other ways to create a great blog title. If you come up with any of the new ideas, please share with us.
This article is written by Yogesh Vashist – a self developed blogger who loves to read and write everything about Technology specially Blogging Tips and Gadgets. His articles can be read at FTechBlog.com.
very useful post, I think Title and Description is so important in the seo point of for the traffic,
Title should be small not far long 65-70 charactes good for title means 8 word and description should be descriptive and to the point..
Thanks for the information
It’s very important that you find the right words that you can use for your blog title because it will determine the success of your post and if readers will find your content informative, attractive and useful.
It’s really important to give the killer title to attract the readers!
Good post Anirudh. No matter how helpful your content is, if you don’t choose the right title for it, people will not be attracted to it