Windows 7 Build 7600: Error Code 00xC004F063 [SOLVED]

Solve Windows Error

Have you remembered that day, when you are new to Computer and don’t know how to operate it up to the hilt? Well, no one can forget that day! At that time, if any problem occurs in a machine or if we want to install/upgrade Operating System on it then we call a Computer engineer to solve our problems. But now, the World has matured! We are living in the modern technological world, where even a small kid knows how to operate a Computer. As well as, now-a-days, installing an Operating System on a Computer is not a big deal; one can do it easily without any hassle.

Besides all Operating System, the Windows Operating System is most used Operating System worldwide because of its easily understandable interface and functionality. However like other Operating System, the Windows Operating System doesn’t include in the directory of Open Source; it’s a proprietary OS. It means, we have to buy a license to run it on our machine from the owner, i.e., Microsoft. After purchasing a license, the copy of Windows can be activated automatically as well as manually by calling the activation department by phone or over the internet.

Solve Windows Error

No doubt, manual activation has been also simple; just you have to enter the “Activation Key” printed on the box and go on following pre-defined steps. Sometimes, even though, we are on a right track, we face errors and that’s something which is unexpected by us. Perhaps, if any beginner user faces errors then it’s really a stress for him/her. Likely, today, we are going to discuss and fix activation error code  0xC004F063 occurs during activating Windows 7 Build 7600. Many users have come across to this error and asking for the working solution. So, today, we will provide step-by-step guide to fix Windows 7 Build 7600 Activation Error Code 0xC004F063. The below guide explains on how to recreate the Licensing store, so that the Operating System can see the Windows Markers in the BIOS. Let’s go through the tutorial.

Steps To Fix Windows 7 Build 7600 Activation Error Code 0xC004F063

Step 1: Click on the “Windows Start Button”.

Step 2: In the search program and files box, type cmd

Step 3: Right-click on cmd.exe and select “Run as Administrator”.

Step 4: In the open command prompt, type the following command.

  • net stop sppsvc

If a system asks you are sure, then select yes.

Note: This will stop your Software Protection service on your Computer.

Step 5: Now, go-on typing the following commands one-by-one in the command prompt.

  • cd %windir%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
  • rename tokens.dat
  • cd %windir%\system32
  • net start sppsvc
  • slui.exe

Step 6: That’s it, now don’t have to enter more commands.

Step 7: After a few seconds, a dialog-box will appear asking to re-activate and/or re-enter your product key or Activation may be done automatically. Follow those steps carefully and enjoy!

Finally, the error has been resolved and one can easily reactivate your Windows 7 from the above guide. If you have questions related to the above guide or if your problem still persist then use the below comments section to share with us and we will surely try to help you! Enjoy (:

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