YouTube is the leading Video-hosting website that exists today. You can find nearly everything, from tutorials to music videos, over there. The point is that YouTube videos can get high number of views pretty easily – if you know how to do it right.
YouTube today has become a necessity for everybody. Music companies like VEVO are also using YouTube to it’s full extent. Not only big companies like VEVO, but individual channels like MKBHD and internet marketers also love using YouTube, because if done right, YouTube can help you make a lot of money – in a short duration of time.
First of all, many people have this one question – why their videos do not get a lot of views. The answer to this question is extremely simple and obvious – you ain’t doing it right buddy. What I mean is that posting videos on YouTube is one thing, but posting it to get more attention, make money, and gain fame, is a completely different thing on the whole. If you want this, what you are looking for is YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is very important for internet marketeers, bloggers, Video Marketeers, and nearly everyone who either wants to make money online or simply wants to get some attention.
So then again, how does SEO help in getting more views? Again, the answer is pretty obvious. As the name suggests, Search Engine Optimization means optimizing something on the internet so that it gets more attention of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.). This way, if a video or an article is Optimized correctly, the ranking of the page or video will increase, and maybe will show up on the first page of Google Search! Thus, increasing your views by multiple points.
Okay, I am done with all that! Now I will tell you how exactly you can optimize your video in a way that it gains more views!
Do some keyword research! This means to look for some keywords that are often searched a lot on Google. Use nearly 3-5 keywords with only one primary keyword and the rest should be long tails, and you can Rank YouTube Videos.
- Video length matters! Create a 2 minute video least, if you are focusing on less competitive keywords. If you are thinking of making a high income using your video, then try to make a 5 minute video least. Basically, the longer the video, the more authority.
- The Title counts too! Use keywords along with your Video Title. This is a very important step! At most use 3 keywords and do not spam it. Write the title in a way that it still makes sense.
- The video file name is also helpful! This means the video file (the ones that you upload) should also have a keyword or two. Though this does not matter much, but every tiny bit counts. Not to forget, most people choose to ignore this!
- The description of the video is the most important of all! You need to take special care in this, because this description is what fetches nearly all the traffic. Write a 700+ word article with a lot of keywords. Yep, you got it right! Spam it = Rank YouTube Videos!
- This is by far the most obvious trick! Put keywords in the tags section. I mean, who did not do this?!
- The quality of the video! Make sure that your video is at least in 720p HD. Basically, the higher the quality, the more the views. Many people do not accept to watch anything below 720p, so this helps a lot!
- The category of the video matters! The category should not be selected randomly. Select the category relevant to the video.
Now the idea basically is to get a lot of views. To rank the video, you need views. Once you reach the certain amount of views required, you can leave all the work to the Search Engines, because then they will be the ones who will fetch you more views. You can try Geo-targeted videos as well, which means if you live in the USA and your video is basically targeted towards the residents of USA, you can use this feature and lessen the competition a bit. So all the people in the United States will be able to see your video more easily because it will give your video a certain amount of priority over world-targeted videos. These kinda videos would fetch you even more bucks.
Finally, SPAM, SPAM BABY! Yep, you heard it right! Spam it up! Spam it using your video links. Send them links to everyone, spam it up on others’s channels, etc. Just keep spamming until you receive the certain amount of views and likes!
Well, that was it with gaining views on YouTube. Now, let us move on to how to earn money using YouTube!
- Join the YouTube Partner Program.
Joining the Partner Program is nice, but the point is getting your channel approved, which is tougher than it sounds! You need to post videos on a regular basis, set up a good subscriber base for it, market your videos using Social Networking sites and other media, etc. And then finally apply for the Partner Program to earn Ad revenue from YouTube.
- Sell your products using YouTube.
This basically means marketing using YouTube. In this, you review your merchandise, gain views, and in a way, promote it. - Solve people’s problems or do what they want!
See, the logic is that people mostly go to YouTube for two things. One is for entertainment and the other is for getting some answers or solving their problems. Target the second group and do what they want! It is pretty easy. Use the keyword tools to find what people want and act on it. - Illustrative videos for Blogs and Websites.
Most of the people find videos on blogs or websites. You can earn a lot of views this way, if you have a blog or website which has a lot of viewers or gets a lot of hits in one day. It is not necessary that it should be your blog, but the point is that whosoever’s blog it is, if it has your video embedded, then it does not matter. Their hits are as good as yours! - Look for small business enterprises in your vicinity and ask them if they want you to improve their sales by making videos and promoting their business.
Try the Partner program only after you Rank YouTube Videos. And there we go, we have covered multiple topics, that is; how to gain views on YouTube, how to Rank YouTube Videos on Search Engines, and how to make money using YouTube Videos. Of course, these aren’t all! There are a lot more tricks than you can think of out there, which you will have to discover yourself! The more the views, the more the money. Discover your own tricks and share them with us. Thanks for reading!
Can we apply these steps in other video sites like Vimeo etc..?
Yeah Sure. They are not rocket-science. They’re just normal tips. Can be applied on any video sharing sites. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
hey, these are pretty cool ideas, man! I am definately gonna bring them it into practice. Thanks a ton