How to get Traffic from Reddit

Reddit is the best social bookmarking site and using it effectively can get traffic to your site. Someone told me to use Reddit if I want to get large traffic so I listened to him and joined it. I started submitting my posts but didn’t seem to get any traffic. Surprisingly I got banned after a few days. I thought Reddit was useless for me but then I found out the reason of my failure. So, today I will be telling you about how to get traffic from Reddit.

Sign Up and Share content

First of all you need to create an account because if you don’t create an account, you won’t be able to use Reddit.

As of now you don’t have to submit your own content because the Reddit rules say that you have to submit posts from other sites too and not just yours. So, submit interesting topics from other sites and try to get more and more up-votes. Once you have about 200 up-votes you can now start submitting links from your site but don’t stop submitting from other sites otherwise your account will get banned.

Traffic from Reddit

Read Rules and Avoid Spamming

Reddit is highly concerned about spamming and filters out spam with its automated spam filter. The only way to prevent from being caught is not to submit links without reading rules of sub-reddit where you wanna submit the link because different sub-reddit have different rules. Also make sure that the link is not already submitted by you or someone else. To check whether the link is live or not click ‘New’ and if it not there that means it was caught by the spam filter.

Get More Reddit up-votes

Always submit interesting content from your site as well others. To get a good feedback, submit one article from your site and five articles from other sites. Reddit doesn’t allow description like other social bookmarking sites. You can only give a title to your link so try to give a clear idea about the post with an attractive title.

Shut Up and Take my Upvote
Incase if your content is *truly* worthy, the readers be like, “Shut Up and Take my Upvote!”

And try to be more specific when you choose a sub-reddit and find the one that fits best for the post. Also try to give a valuable comment to other posts that have got large number of up-votes. All these things will help you to get more traffic to your submitted links.

Submit Less

The other social bookmarking sites may allow you to submit lots of links everyday. But don’t be crazy to submit lots of links on Reddit because Reddit won’t allow you do so. Submitting one link per day is sufficient enough.

Follow Other Users

Follow users whose link made it to the front page. This won’t get you up-votes or traffic but by watching  what other users are doing you will get an idea of what to do next. Find out the difference between your and their title, see how they comment on a post and try to understand why they got so many up-votes. Though Reddit has strict rules but using it appropriately you get traffic to your site. Let me know if you’ve any queries or suggestions to get traffic from Reddit in the comment box below.


  1. Reddit is a very good social networking site. We do frequent post submission to reddit but did not know all the above points. Great information so we will take care of these things to get traffic from Reddit.

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