Microsoft recently announced its new Operating System, or rather, an update for the existing Operating System “Windows” termed as the Windows 10, which can be called the most popular Operating System of the era. This Operating System has been in the hearts and also the computer’s hearts due to multiple reasons – yet the primary reason remains for the looks and the ease of use that Microsoft offers. It is not only about ease of access that is the reason for people buying Windows updates one after the other, but rather what all new things that Microsoft has been offering people. There are a number of things about Windows that no other Operating System has, like the Start Menu. Just like Apple’s launchpad and the dockbar can be considered the Mac’s Signature, the Start Menu is known to be Window’s Signature. The Windows 10 Preview was also out in few days after its initial release. And now, anyone can download Windows 10 Technical Preview for free.

As we all know, Microsoft had taken away this signature in the Window 8 update and did not bring it back in Windows 8.1 either. Now thankfully for you, we have this Signature feature back in Windows 10 update. Yes, indeed Microsoft has brought back the famous Start Menu and has further merged it with the Start Menu available on Windows 8, which resembled Apple’s Launchpad idea to quite an extent, and has made a whole new Start Menu which also looks cooler along with the overall User Interface of the Operating System. Moreover, the new update also features a better and improved feature for multitasking. This new feature allows you to look at all the windows at once and arrange applications for better organization, which is quite similar to both, Mac OS X and Linux (Ubuntu, primarily). The Aero Snap feature is still being updated, but once it is updated and is at its best, the new update will be splendid and fabulous, along with the easiest to use tag. Windows 8 bugs were in tons, let’s hope Windows 10 bugs will be less. There are many Windows 10 changes being done from the previous Windows 10 versions. You can subscribe to Windows 10 beta updates in Windows 10 blog.
One of the most strangest updates that have been noticed in Windows 10 would be the update in the Command Prompt. At first, nobody could actually believe that Microsoft actually did that, considering the fact that the Command Prompt has been there for such a long time (probably over a decade!). Yet there is no denying that it has actually been done. Now you can press Ctrl + V shortcut to paste codes into the Command Prompt, which you could not do before (earlier, you had to press the right-click on the mouse and then click “paste” to actually do it). Apart from this quite strange, unexpected and abstract update, there was another update which improved the quality for touch users. The Windows 10 Bootable USB isn’t currently available as the official version isn’t out yet. The touch experience has surely been optimized and improved by Microsoft in Windows 10. Check out that before by download Windows 10 Technical Preview free.
Download Windows 10 Technical Preview Free
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Product key for Windows 10 Free: NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR
But it is not over! Windows 10 is still to be rolled out officially, as only Windows 10 Technical Preview is only rolled out, and who knows what other improvements Microsoft makes to this update. It has been officially stated that Windows 10 is still in the early stages of development, and will be released in 2015, hoping that it. That’s a whole lot of time, and Microsoft can do some terrific changes depending on what feedback it receives from the beta testers out there! Let’s wait and watch!
At last microsoft leaded its innovation in developing a high-end operating system, the company is hoping its best to make the genuine version of this advanced OS bug free with more exciting features. So today right now i will upgrade my operating system for experiencing more exciting features.
Everything in the world is pointless for some OS 😛
Well Windows 10 looks awesome, lets wait and see how it will turn out to be. I have been using Windows 8 since its launch and I am pretty satisfied with it. I hope they will launch Win10 soon. 🙂