Niche is one of the most important things in the internet world. Be it for internet marketing, affiliate marketing or blogging, niche can play a crucial role in the success of your venture. Niche blogging is a kind of blogging where your blog or website focuses on only one thing and things related to that. Niche blogging is a very popular concept due to many reasons. Niche blogging can attract more traffic and money as compared to other kind of blogs. Apart from it, Niche blogging is also more adaptable and successful. Choosing the perfect niche can be a real tough job. It needs research and understanding of the internet world. To choose the perfect niche for your blog, you need to find out the trend, reading habits of people and competition in that niche. We have entered 2015 and with each New Year, the internet takes a complete revolution. The trending topic of 2011 will not even be seen or heard in 2015. So, we have come up with a list of top 10 niches you can start blogging in 2015.
Ever heard about Bitcoin or Dogecoin?
These are some famous cryptocurrencies which have REAL value in dollars which increase and decrease day by day. You don’t really earn these type of currencies but they are mined and they are totally cyber in nature. Many big companies like Microsoft and more have started accepting currencies like Bitcoin as a form of payment so you can see how it’s making an impact on economy. This niche is not that explored so it is a really nice niche to start blog on.
There is no doubt in the fact that health is one of those areas where most of the people want to focus, but are not able to, due to their busy schedule. In this world of rat race, everyone is looking for a shortcut to improve their health. You can start your blog on health and covering topics like how to remain fit, which exercises you can do in a short time, exercises for busy people, how to take care of old people and kids, etc. You can include sub-niche like best health drinks, healthy foods for a healthy lifestyle etc. Other topics which you can cover in these niche are physical fitness, reviews of fitness centers, tips on improving physique and everything else related and connected to health.
Making Online money
Everyone wants to earn money and people are going crazy for making money. You would have seen many ads which claim that you can earn 1000 of $ in just an hour. Well, we are not saying to start a blog on something like this, but something related to this. In this niche, you can cover topics like how to earn online money, how to spend time on the internet to make money, non-conventional ways of making money and how to earn money by using social media. However, you should never start something like earning money in an hour or so as they can mislead your reader and you will eventually lose the trust of that reader. You can also cover sub-niche like how to save money or how to control your expenses.
Viral Stories
We are living in the era of technology where content gets viral easily. Viral videos and viral posts are new trends which have completely changed the blogging world. Number of new blogs are coming up to cover these viral stories. ViralNova, Storypick, BuzzFeed are the perfect example of such kind of blogs. These niche is loved by everyone as everyone wants to what exactly is trending around them.
You just need to collect all the viral stories and present them in a good manner. And, if you are creative, you can even create a story of own and make it viral by using your blog. Don’t forget to add your own spice to the story to make it more interesting.
This is a very vast niche. With more and more advancement in technology, the scope of this niche is also increasing. People are buying phones, laptops, smart watches, TV and what not. However, they will spend hours on the internet to find the best product. You can take advantage of this. The topics you can cover are best smartphones/laptops under “specific money range”, top 10 gadgets of the month and gadgets to look out for. Although, there is a lot of competition in this niche but proper planning and some smart work can make you stand out from the league.
Wearable Devices
2014 was the year when the wearable technology actually made an impact in the tech scene. With the release of several smartwatches running Android Wear and also the one from Apple the Apple Watch, the development of much better wearables is on the horizon. Read about the Future of Wearables to get a clear idea of the scope of blogging in this field.
Not just watches but this category also includes tech pieces like Google Glass, fitness bands and more so the niche is big and expanding everyday. You can include the Microsoft HoloLens launched recently in this category. You have much news to cover up in this topic.
Life Hacks
People are looking for short cuts and hacks. Hacks which can make their life easy and comfortable. You can cover topics like life hacks to improve your internet experience, life hacks which will save you hours of hard work. Try to find smart alternatives of the things. Blogs on life hacks attracts a large number of audience due to their unique and interesting content.
Well, don’t get surprised. Yes, blogging can be the perfect niche for your blog. With more and more people turning towards blogging, they want to learn how to make a blog, how to set up a blog, how to attract readers for your blog and how to earn from blogs.
You can start a blog on blogging tips and tricks, FAQs on blogging and almost everything which is needed to start a blog and to maintain it.
No, we are not saying to start a blog to teach students. This is the niche which is related to education, but still doesn’t teach students. What we are suggesting is that, each year students are looking for a good college/schools and not only students, their parents are also there who are helping them. You can cover topics like best college in “specific area”, top college for “specific course”, top 10 colleges with low fees and colleges for unconventional courses.
People always read reviews before buying a product or using a service. With smartphone in their hand, they just need to read the review and they can get an idea about the product or service. This is also a vast niche in which you can cover many sub-niches, like reviews of restaurants, bars, hotels, pubs, stores, specific product and even of books and movies. There is a large number of audience in this niche which just needs to be brought under one roof. You can build that roof.
Quotes and Wallpapers
Well, it may sound weird, but admit it that even you have searched for quotes and wallpapers. People search for quotes when they are happy or sad or excited or tensed or whatever they are feeling. There are quotes for every feeling and situation. Same goes for wallpapers, people change their wallpapers as per their moods and you know how frequent mood changes. However, you need to be a bit cautious as there can be some copyright issues with these kind of blogs but there is always a way out. Just be sure you mention the source of the quote or wallpaper.
Everyone looks out for the help from the internet when they start cooking in the absence of mom or wife. People even look out for things like how to make tea or sandwich. There are a large number of unique dishes whose cooking recipes you can cover. You can even work on sub niche like how to keep your kitchen clean, dining table manners and tips and tricks of cooking.
Final Verdict
We’ve listed about 12 Niches, out of which, Niches like Cryptocurrency, Wearable Devices are untapped. While Viral Stories niche started gaining momentum. So, starting a blog in any of these 3 categories would push you up high in a small period of time spent in Blogging. If you think we missed out any good niche to blog upon, list it down in the comments section below. Good Luck! 🙂
I have a new site I am promoting which is local to Nanaimo B.C. I came across your blog presenting new technology in 2015. I have interests in Quantum dot technology. Everything we use in the next 5 years will have quantum dots involved. QTMM is the stock to look at
Yeah, that’s a good niche to start upon. Good Luck! 🙂
Majority of people are creating blogs to make money online. They think it’s easy to make money online but its not, because there are lots of blogs and websites which are based on their niches. Any way nice article
Nice one , bro
Keep up the good work
Hi there and thank you for amazing tips.
Since I am blogging here on Slovenian furniture market on many niches, I would like to add also something to the discussion.
NIche blog should, at least as I understand it, be also very productive, informational and educational.
Also, if possible having as many as possible real life cases and scenarios.
On the other hand, one shoud be very careful with niche blogging, not to get them “over optimized”.
Niche blogs does have bigger tendency to do so.
I have opened four different niche blogs here in Slovenia (all on each segment of different furniture and my current rankings are now 1,1,5,23.
For me, good enough. Regards, Matija
When starting a blog, the first thing you need is to decide the niche of your blog. The niche you have suggested in this list is actually good for wannabe bloggers to start their blogging career.
When starting a blog choosing niche and then choosing domain and reliable hosting is really important.