Creating a new website is always exciting process. This platform can be used to educate and convert prospects, build your brand and close deals. It’s vital to note, however, that your website has to be optimized for search engines. If people can’t easily find your web pages when searching for the services or products you have to sell, they’re unlikely to ever come in contact with your company. With that in mind, there are several factors that business owners should pay careful attention to during the design process. One large part of getting websites indexed by search engines is ensuring both technical and overall site fitness.
Page Loading Speeds
How fast your pages load will play a major role in determining how well your website performs with search engines, and how well it’s received by consumers. People are unlikely to wait around for sites that take several minutes to load. Search engines understand this and thus, they’ve positioned things like uptime and page loading speeds among their top ranking factors. This makes it important for company owners to pay for high-quality web hosting and design packages. Although it’s good to make price comparisons when shopping for these services, you never want to compromise quality in this area to cut costs.
Original And Insightful Content
Content has always been king. It’s important for site owners to make sure that their web pages have plenty of it. You also want your on-site content to stay fresh and relevant to the needs of consumers. After all, the keywords that people are most likely to use when searching for businesses like yours will invariably change in accordance with their most recent needs and interests. Quality is also critical. With countless changes being made to how different forms of content impact page ranking, there is one things that people can be sure of; valuable, informative content will always provide the best results.
The Ability To Keep Up With Machine Learning Technologies
When it comes to creating and publishing content, company owners have to be mindful of the fact that most major search engines are now using artificial intelligence technologies. These learning machines have as much to do with determining page rank as does the more conventional notion of a standing algorithm. For instance, Google is now heavily reliant upon it new AI called RankBrain for determining which websites will end up at the top of the page. RankBrain is an ever-learning technology and this means that what it does and what it’s capable of doing changes each time the Google search function is used.
One thing that site owners can be sure of, however, is that RankBrain is becoming increasingly efficient at spotting and eliminating black hat SEO techniques. This is especially true when it comes to scraping and repurposing content. RankBrain can see right through efforts to rewrite articles using synonyms or spinning software. Thus, it’s now more important than ever before for companies to start producing articles, blog posts, videos and other forms of content that introduce information that’s never been shared before.
Quality Link Profiles
Building links back to your web pages is a vital part of search engine optimization as well. This is something that you can easily do by registering your website with multiple web directories and niche-specific directories. Overuse of these platforms, however, can result in painful setbacks and penalties. It’s far better to use directories at a slow and steady pace while simultaneously building a robust, organic link profile. Organic links are earned, whether through guest blogging or by having your site mentioned on the website of another, reputable business that’s related to your industry. Constantly networking to build new relationships with other local businesses will open the door to symbiotic, link-building relationships that provide SEO benefits for both parties.
Optimizing for search engines is a steady, ongoing process. Although the requirements for first page placement are constantly changing, the ultimate priority of search engines is not. Major search engines want to give web users access to valuable, relevant information and convenient, easy-to-use platforms. If you make this your goal as well, you’re virtually guaranteed to push your website to the top of search results pages.