Rooting an Android device has become a necessity nowadays. Cell phone brands sell smartphones with awkwardly low internal memory that gets filled up in literally no time at all! It wouldn’t be wrong if the user would want more internal memory, or maybe just want to use his SD Card for storing apps. But seems like that is “out of the question” for Google.
“Rooting” actually refers to giving you “Root Access”. If you download a file explorer application off the internet or Play Store, most of the time it will not even show you the Root of the smartphone but begin from “/mnt/sdcard” which is your SD Card’s Root, not your smartphone’s. There are a couple of file explorer’s out there which will show you the Root of your phone even if it is not rooted. But you might not be able to edit anything. To be more simpler, we’ve already published an article about the Advantages of Rooting. You can check it out for a clear idea.
This calls for rooting! What rooting does is actually gives you the “SuperUser Access”. Once you become the “Superuser”, you can give this ability to multiple apps, and hence, take out the most off your device.
With root you can : 1 – Delete Unnecessary Apps that come with the phone itself and cannot be uninstalled (located in “/system/apps”)
2 – Take some of your Memory Card’s memory and turn it into internal memory (will be discussed in another post).
3 – Flash Custom ROMs right from the phone (will be discussed if required).
…and much more!
How to Root Lenovo IdeaPad A1000:
This process will void your warranty. We are not responsible for dead SD Cards, dead phones, ruined devices, thermonuclear wars or you getting fired because the alarm app failed 😛 We do not bear any responsibility in any of the cases.. or to be precise, any case on the whole. If you try to blame us, we will laugh at you. If you try to ask us for help, we will certainly try our best, even though the possibility of either happening is extremely low if you go right by the instructions (actually, even if you don’t go by the instructions).
Requirements :
- A Lenovo IdeaPad A1000 Tablet.
- A Windows PC.
- A USB Cable
- Kingo One-Click Root Software (link)
Procedure : The procedure for rooting this tablet is fairly simple. There are two different methods of rooting this device, but we chose the simplest one possible – the one-click root method.
- Download the One-Click Rootkit.
- Make sure all the device drivers are installed on your PC.
- Go to Settings > Developer Option and enable USB Debugging.
- Use the USB Cable to connect your Device to PC.
- Open the rootkit by double clicking it, check that you have an active internet, and finally, click the big “ROOT” button.
- Wait until it finishes.
VOILA! You just rooted your Lenovo IdeaPad A1000 Tablet! Now you have the Superuser Access over your device.
In case your device does not turn on like normal when you try to reboot it after rooting or in case it drains all the battery you can try one of these troubleshooting methods:
- Recharge your device – you might have discharged your device. Just to be sure, do follow this step.
- If it doesn’t work, take a small pin or a sharp ballpoint pen, and insert it into the tiny hole below the Memory Card slot and press it for at least 10 seconds. This is the Reset Button, which will reset the tablet.
- Finally, if none of the above processes work, take your device to Lenovo Service Center and get the Stock ROM installed.
So, we hope that you’ve rooted your Lenovo IdeaPad A1000 successfully. If not, post the problem in the comments section below or Contact us. We’ll try helping you.
The article is in dept and well detailed trying this guide on my friends lenovo ideapad a1000.
very nice and helpful for Lenovo Idea Pad A1000 users, thanks for sharing.