We are now beyond one week after Apple launched the iPhone 5 and yet, we are still in the hysteria of this sensational iOS smartphone. While people have a lot of things to be amazed about this said phone such as the bigger Retina display of 4 inches, improved thinness and lightness that makes it even more convenient for the user to navigate the phone with one hand, panorama feature in the rear camera, a much faster A6 chip, 4G LTE , etc.
However, other than these aforementioned iPhone 5 features, there’s also another remarkable improvement to the iPhone 5 which makes this iOS smartphone to be sought after by a lot of consumers and this is the latest iOS version, the iOS 6.
What improvements will transpire from iOS 5 to iOS6
Apple boasts of more than 200 new features to happen with the iOS 6. While those 200+ new features will be too much to enumerate and tackle in this article, let us take a look at a few of the most remarkable ones instead.
Siri has already made waves during the earlier version of the iOS but with the iOS 6, this voice assistant just gets better and smarter by being able to perform more commands, understand more languages and answer more questions such as movie schedules and sports score updates.
The Maps app also takes a new turn with its incredibly detailed graphics and texts. For a better view of an area, users can tilt and rotate the map. Furthermore, users can go on top of cityscapes just to see some amazing sights in high-resolution quality.
Considering that Facebook is becoming a significant part of people lives, an iOS 6 user will have more convenience in managing their Facebook account, not with the Facebook as an application but something that is integrated right into the iOS 6.
The Passbook digital wallet system is also to watch out for. Any person with a regular lifestyle would certainly be using movie tickets, boarding passes, loyalty cards or retail coupons. With the Passbook, they can organize these stuffs in their iOS 6 device and get pertinent information as well.
FaceTime will certainly work best especially when having a reliable high speed internet but with iOS 6, consumers will no longer worry by having this connection alone since they can also use FaceTime with a cellular connection. By having a high speed internet connection and a good cellular network, iOS 6 device users can now enjoy FaceTime regardless of their location and the available connection.
iPhone 5 buyers won’t be the only ones who will enjoy iOS 6
Buying an iPhone 5 to get to enjoy the iOS 6 features will be reasonable for those who have the dark ages version of an iPhone, an older smartphone, an Android phone or a non-smart mobile phone. However for those who already own an iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 and have budget issues, getting an iOS 6 upgrade without any cost can be a better option. Considering the wide array of additional features that the iOS 6 will bring, the upgraded device will certainly feel like good as new.
Things to do before upgrading to iOS 6
Getting to know the advantages of the iOS 6 should not tempt iOS 6 upgradable device owners to be hasty in downloading and installing the update. It would be best to take these precautions first:
- Download the latest version of iTunes 10.7 to increase the iOS 6 compatibility;
- Even while using iCloud in storing and backing up photos and important files, it will be a good idea to still back-up in iTunes;
- To avoid interruptions and problems in updating, be sure to power up the device. Also, the update won’t proceed if there is less than the minimum amount of power to download and install the 500Mb update.
About the author:
Mara B. writes about the latest news in gadgets, operating systems, high speed internet, broadband providers and SEO.
I like two features of iOS 6 the most. First is Do Not Disturb and second is VIP mailbox. Do Not Disturb feature help me to stay focused while I’m blogging and VIP mailbox allows me to view most important emails separately from important contacts.