If you are a busy professional then you will be editing, creating and converting lot of PDF files each day. Traditionally all Windows users rely on Microsoft Office for the creation and editing of Documents, presentations and Spread sheet files. When it is about PDF Files there are no such packages offering all the PDF manipulations in a single go. Maybe, Adobe offers, but many don’t like the complexity of Adobe Softwares. Traditionally we convert the PDF to document file using some file conversion freeware and edit the document file using Microsoft Office. Then, we again use another freeware to convert back the document file to PDF file. This is a tedious and a time consuming process. While eyeing through the various PDF editors available in the market, almost all offered monotonous set of functionalities. Among the list few of them showed some appreciable features and iSkySoft PDF Editor is a great Software with stupendous features to offer.

Simply we could define iSkySoft PDF Editor as a smart program that could Edit, Convert and Create PDF Files. Similar to Microsoft Office, iSkySoft PDF editor is bundled with lot of attributes as if bundled attributes in a graphics library. iSkysoft in its initial usage proved to be a great tool to manage PDF files in a larger scale. While creating and editing PDF files with iSkySoft PDF editor the flow was seamless and effortless. The essence of a professional editing program could be felt with iSkysoft PDF editor as it offers numerous contrasting features summarized into SAT.
- Simplicity: We all are traditionally involved with the interface offered By Microsoft Office. While working on with iSkySoft PDF editor the simplicity that it offers is great. The user interface is non ambiguous and simple to handle. Almost all the tools in iSkySoft are simple to understand. The icon they employed for it are commonly used ones so that anyone with previous computer editing experience could use this PDF editor with ease. While editing a sample PDF the editing process were so simple and the task was completed within a short span of time. All the tools are easily available in a single gesture. Similar to Word, addition of Images, Text and links could be done with ease. Further the tools offered by the ware includes options to convert PDF files to Word, Excel, Images and PowerPoint presentations.

The editing tools include the traditionally available tools like underline, blog, italics, font size, font color and strike through. Additionally there are commonly used miscellaneous tools like Sticky notes, various shapes and text boxes.
- Authentication: Authenticating the document you created is an important step if you are a professional. Usually it is a common scenario that the PDF files being water marked and shared across the web. But I have seen many PDF files being shared again with the water marked removed. So it is always safe to protect the PDF files with passwords. You could make your PDF file secure by password protecting it to prevent from copying, printing and editing. More importantly, you could break into protected PDF files with this program. The decryption capability of the iSkySoft PDF editor is massive and it also help to access more PDF files, enabling us to mine the data. The authentication and password encryption is one unique feature that makes iSkySoft PDF editor stand out in the crowd.
- Technical Capabilities: iSkysoft PDF editor is technically sound and vivid. The unique capabilities like the features to edit any scanned PDF files makes this program the best in the market. Once the OCR Plug-In is enabled the scanning process could be done and you could convert the scanned PDF files to Word, Image and more.
Further various other capabilities could be felt once you are with iSkySoft PDF editor. While we were working with the program features like merging of two PDF files, splitting of PDF files into the specified number of pages were very useful and handy. Further, the features which we found unique include the possibility to create a PDF from the existing Word document, or Excel, or a PowerPoint. Further, the deletion of pages, and rating of the pages could be done easily.
Eyeing through the SAT features of iSkySoft PDF editor what we felt is that it is the best PDF editor available in the market. This PDF editor works as a complete package and solution for all your PDF needs. iSkySoft helps to edit, convert and create PDF files with ease. Interface provided is simple and even a non-parametric user could get adopted to it in a short span. Stupendous features like password encryption and decryption, conversion of PDF files to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and images and the vice versa conversion make this program the best in the race. Handy operations of merging the PDF files and splitting of the PDF files make it the nest PDF editor in business.

Final Verdict: iSkySoft
Name : iSkySoft PDF Editor
Size: 34.5 MB
OS : Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
Mac OS X 10.6,10.7,10.8
User Interface: 9.12/10.0
Features: 10/10
Value For Money : 9.75/10.0
Service : 10/10
Overall Score :9.72