newbie blogger

6 Important things to know as a Newbie blogger

6 Important things to know as a Newbie blogger Starting a blog and earning with it is really an awesome job. Most of the bloggers trust Google for making money…

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Why You Should Leave Your Job And Start Blogging

In the modern world, blogging is considered as one of the most lucrative small businesses. Another good thing about it is that this business is really very easy to do…

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google penaization

5 Ways to avoid Website Penalization

5 Ways to avoid Website Penalization  Every other day, I listen from website owners that they are facing Google charge. Google has penalized their web or blog site and now they have…

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The Opportunities of Niche Blogging

The opportunities are wide open, because we are all exposed to some sort of niche that we know better than any other – even if your most prominent niche is…

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Different Options of Blogging You Must Look Into

Blogging is done in different ways and venues. If you have passion in writing anything that will provide useful information to readers or viewers, then you have the edge to…

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