
Top 7 Google Nexus 7 Competitors

If you go out to market, you can find thousands of phablet devices to choose from. In recent times, this technology has grown so much and every single company wants…

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google penaization

5 Ways to avoid Website Penalization

5 Ways to avoid Website Penalization  Every other day, I listen from website owners that they are facing Google charge. Google has penalized their web or blog site and now they have…

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Top 10 Google Services that could be refused by users

Top 10 Google Services that could be refused by users

Everyone must admit that some Google services are, quite frankly, not that they used to be a few years ago. There is a tendency to trying find something different, but…

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Becoming an Expert in Google Adwords

Becoming an Expert at Google Adwords

Once you have become an expert in internet marketing the world is your oyster.  You can take your skills from one realm and use them in another.  For example, knowing…

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Why might Google Glasses disappoint more than excite

Why might Google Glasses disappoint more than excite?

Google recently introduced the world to Project Glass, a new experiment which involves the development of the company’s own branded eyeglasses. The project was announced on the social networking site…

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