
You Can’t Judge a Smartphone By Its Cover

While several of the hottest phones on the market are more attractive than super models, and more impressive than a Ferrari going 100 MPH on the freeway, many of them don’t…

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2013 Samsung Smartphones Prediction

Prediction of Samsung Smartphones in 2013

One of the biggest success stories of the year 2012 was the sales made by Samsung. And, with the beginning of the year 2013, there are no chances of the…

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Samsung Ativ Odyssey

Samsung Ativ Odyssey – Hands on Review

Verizon has got a flurry of Win Phone 8 devices and the latest to jump on the bandwagon is Samsung with their Ativ Odyssey. Priced at $ 50, it’s an…

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Sony Xperia E

Sony Xperia E – The Best Choice for JellyBean

Recently proving its worth in the smart phone market all over the world Sony launched yet another successor to its Xperia series. The new member to Xperia series named as…

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2013 trending games and gadgets

Much Anticipated Gadgets of 2013

The year 2012 had been the one that was complete with new Gadget releases, upgrades, updates and more. It was the year of iPad Mini, iPhone 5, Galaxy S3, Nexus…

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